Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Posting Again

It's almost the end of December and it's finally slowing down! We are down to a few campers, but the weather is still nice--cold, but nice.

This past summer was busier than I expected! We had 8 park aids, including two Park Aids II, a Park Tech, and a seasonal mower. I looked, and I had only posted 10 times this whole year and that's why. I should have tried harder to post daily because it would be fun to look back on the summer, but there's always 2018!

Memorial Day, 4th of July, and Labor Day brought us full campgrounds, plus overflow camping, full day use areas, and surprisingly, very few conflicts!

We had one Paid Aid II who did our visitor center re-model. I'll have to look for before and after pictures, but he took out all the nasty blue carpet, replaced all the windows, my supervisor's office door, built a wall and a door in front of our hallway, gave everything a fresh coat of paint and stain, installed new lights, and put down tile on the floor--all while doing park rounds and supervising other park aids!

Our seasonal budget got cut this year--during our busiest year to date--so this coming spring is going to be interesting. I have to meet with our region secretary to figure out how much money we are actually starting with, but right now it doesn't look good.

We still have a lot of water in the lake!
Today I'm planning to try to get some more pictures around the park and spend some time in the campground. Our camp host is off today and tomorrow so I'm cleaning the restrooms and cleaning out the fire rings. It's been so nice out, I think it'll be good to spend more time outside!